20 July 2018 | Article | anonymous
A closer look at our creative process

Typically in June of each year, our creative team from the Donor Communications department converges for a Design Crit — a critique session with the sole purpose of improving our design.
In the first session, our digital designers, including two flying in from our Thailand office, present their best work in 2017 and gather feedback from the room. In the second session, they share design and personal inspirations.
The session is an opportunity to lift our designers out of their task-of-the-day focus and show them the bigger picture — what their colleagues are working on, how the team is progressing, what are the latest design trends, and how they can incorporate it to fit our clients’ needs.

The SG design hall of fame
One of the most stellar design work of 2017 came from our senior designer, Zuhaini. He conceptualized a clean yet vibrant look for the donor communication materials for our new client, Greenpeace Malaysia. He designed a striking welcome pack through the use of large texts, vibrant photos, and clean lines.
The team was also shown a creative twist to generic greetings card. Another senior designer, Vera, who hails from Indonesia, met the challenge to be unconventional and came up with an animated Deepavali card for National Cancer Council Malaysia (MAKNA). The greeting card doubled as a presentation of a Deepavali legend — the story of Prince Rama rescuing his wife from the clutches of a fearsome demon king.
Check out our designers’ best work in 2017 here.

Finding inspiration in the extraordinary and mundane
Designers Nathania and Pam named The Social Swipe, a cleverly crafted Misereor Ihr Hilfswerk (the biggest Catholic aid organisation in Germany) campaign, as their source of inspiration. The campaign involved the use of interactive posters and billboards where the public was encouraged to swipe their cards to ‘free’ tied up children or ‘slice’ bread for sharing.
While other designers chose to share design examples, designer Lydia took a different approach and shared a philosophy that she believed would guide her and her fellow designers in their everyday work. Presenting the Japanese art director and photographer Tatsuya Tanaka’s work in building and photographing miniature worlds, she stressed that persistence, inspiration, and creativity is everywhere in life.

Our creative team is parked under our Donor Communications function, part of the complete suite of support services that we provide our charity partners. Learn how we can help you manage donor relations through effective communications here.